Legal aspects of globalisation
Inhalte des Moduls
The Central Role of the Contract and Problems Dealing with International Contracts; International and Domestic Contracts: Main Differences; The Basic Issues: Applicable Law and Methods of Solving Disputes; The Importance of Determining the Applicable Law (Conflict of Laws : The Rome I Regulation; The Law Applicable in the Absence of a Choice by the Parties; The Principle of Freedom of Choice; Cases where the Freedom of Choice is Limited); The Methods for Solving Disputes: Strategies for the Appropriate Choice of Jurisdiction (Litigation before Ordinary (national) Courts and International Arbitration); The UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG): Sphere of Application and General Provisions/Seller´s Obligations/Buyer´s Duties; Negotiating International Contracts.
Qualifikationsziele des Moduls
Students gain insights in the different approaches toward international contracts (3). Students have a basic comprehensive view of the principles that govern cross-border contracts (2). They can decide which action should be taken in cross-border contracts (3). They analyse a varying national and international legal and cultural perspectives (4). Students improve finally their capacity for judgment in complex legal and business settings and develop their intercultural competence (5).